
Rolf Hölmer


 University Coventry, School of Engineering

Course MEng European Mechanical Engineering Studies

Stage Final Year



Period 1998-1999

BEng Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering at Coventry University

Period 1995 –1998

Mechanical Engineering at Fachhochschule in Osnabrueck (Germany)

Period 1994 – 1995

"A" Levels

Subjects/Grade Technology / very good, Math / good, German / good, English / good

Period 1990 – 1994

Apprenticeship as car mechanic at Mercedes in Germany


During the apprenticeship I gained much experience in the following: using turning lathes, welding, pneumatic, hydraulic and manual skills.

During "A" Levels I got knowledge in ACAD, Turbo-Pascal, Word, Excel.

At the university of FH Osnabrueck I learnt to design with (CAD), program with C and SPS system, work with Unix and use Power Point and MS-Project. My studies involved much team work which also improved my communication skills.

At the university of Coventry I studied following modules: Project Management, Stress Analysis, Robotics and Automation, Control Technology, Engines and Transmissions and Total Quality Management. I did my final year project in KBE system implementations.



March 94- March95 Iveco Versmold

As a mechanic I learnt to think logically, gained experience with mechanical processes and detailed knowledge of automotive components and design. Whilst being a mechanic I was given sole responsibility to maintain stocks of materials using inventories.


September 1994 - July 1995 Shell Versmold

Improved knowledge of mechanical skills (repairing all types of cars).


September 1995- September 1998 Kraftverkehr Nagel, Versmold

International haulage company which has establishments Europe wide. Employment with the international haulage company gave me the opportunity to work along side English speaking colleagues, therefore I was able to improve my English language.



Climbing, Music, Skating, Biking. For the past ten years I have been committed to being a member of three orchestras. Since my arrival in the UK I have taken up the sport of climbing. From doing these activities I have evolved strict time management abilities. In reference to my experience with the orchestras I have proved to by myself that I can work well in a team, and am willing to listen to instructions.


Date of birth 05 December 1973

Status Single

Nationality German

Term Address 58 Westwood Road, Coventry CV5 6GE

Telephone Number Tel 02476-714766
